Monday, January 31, 2011

How you respond at the crisis of belief will determine whether you follow God or yourself from then on.

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Love of God

This morning's quiet time was a rather strange time. I planned more reading of God's word and writing during the holidays but as my track record would have it, I never did. I spent the entire time on myself. This morning however, was like trying to workout after being out of shape for a few months. It was sore but rewarding.

I am on day 5 of unit 3 in Experiencing God bible study. It is the last lesson on the relationship part between God and me. A Real, Personal, Practical relationship. It was always my thought that I had to be the one initiating a relationship with God but the Bible tells of a different process. From Genesis to Revelation it is God who has sought out the relationship with man. He sought out to clothe Adam and Eve after they sinned. He sought out Hagar to see where she was going. He answered Solomon's request for discernment. After He sent the 12 disciples out he gave them authority. He sought out Peter and freed him from the jail. He sought out John when he was worshiping during His exile.

Doing the will of God is easy if we recognize that God is already leading the way. We just need to recognize what He is doing and be obedient. The constant presence of God is the most practical part of your life and ministry.- H Blackaby