Monday, October 22, 2012

New Opportunities

We have a new opportunity to move to a paid site where we can customize and grow.
Go check it out at

There is a Breakfast with God page but most of the posts were transferred under BibleGrounds.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Quick! Duck! Here comes Jesus! Matthew 10:32-39

Today's Reading: Matthew 10:32-39

Have you ever been somewhere and seen someone you know but hide because you don't want people to know that you know that person? It's usually someone who embarrasses you. This person may be a rather LOUD and IN YOUR FACE type. Come on you know the type of person I'm referring to. Kind of the Cousin Eddie from "Christmas Vacation".
What about the people from your church? You know the ones that are a little "too Christian"? Do you duck out of the way so you don't have to be seen with them?
Jesus made a comment just after He taught that the disciples what it means to fear God. He said that anyone  "who will acknowledge Me before men, I will also acknowledge him before My Father in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father in heaven." You might be thinking "I would NEVER deny Jesus". But we have to some extent. Have you ever felt that you should have told a person about Jesus but instead made an excuse? "They probably already go to church" you might say. Or, "They might already be Christian and I might offend them".
Jesus addressed this. He said to the disciples that they should not think that He came to bring PEACE and HARMONY to the world. Father will be against daughter and son. Brother will be against brother. All types
of relationship will be broken because of Him and what He is.
Anyone who "doesn't take up his cross and follow HIM is not worthy of HIM. Anyone finding his life will lose it, and anyone losing his life because of HIM will find it" (capitalization mine and changed 'me' to HIM).
How often do we think of this? How often do we "Deny" Jesus. If He were in Walmart you you want to be seen with Him?

Thursday, October 18, 2012

How to have the Right Fear Matthew 10:26-31

Today's Reading: Matthew 10:26-31

One of the objectives of Marine boot camp is to eliminate the fear of dying. A soldier who is afraid is also reluctant to go into battle and therefore useless. These guys train volunteers by putting them through "Confidence Courses". It's amazing to see young men clam up when they are asked to climb a 20 foot wall with no safety rope. Then after they complete the course most break down into a giddy laugh. It is then when they realize they are fearing the wrong things. They no longer fear death but rather fear that the person next to them will die. Any soldier will tell you that they don't do the things they do for themselves, it is for the guy next to them. This attitude change and change in what they fear is what makes them so effective.

Yesterday we read about how Jesus sent his disciples out with instructions. He told them that it was not going to be easy and they will face hard times against people that will not like them very much. Now, in this passage Jesus is laying the "get over it" factor. He puts into perspective of Whom they SHOULD be fearing.

"Don’t fear those who kill the body but are not able to kill the soul;o ratherfear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." 

Who do you fear? The one who is making fun of you when you are trying to do the right thing? How about the one who threatens to harms you or your family? OR
Do you FEAR the one who has the power to speak eternity into existence or oblivion? How about the One who's very name has more power than all of the suns in the universe. How about the One who "thought up the universe and how it is all held together? How about the One who knows the thoughts we have and still loves us?
Isn't it freeing and liberating that we FEAR the One who loves us and knows our name? Isn't it good to know that we can call Him "Father"?
This is the same type of "Healthy" fear that the soldiers have. We shouldn't FEAR God because HE is able to do these things but rather we should FEAR Him because of the person next to us. We should FEAR Him enough to tell that person about what Christ has done!
So, what are you afraid of? GO!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

We're on a Mission from God! Matthew 10:16-25

Today's Reading: Matthew 10:16-25
If someone told you that if you followed him that you would be made fun of, beaten, out-casted, bullied, thrown in jail for false accusations, or killed... would you still follow? What if the person promised that if you did these and endured he would reward you? You would probably base your decision on what that reward is wouldn't you?
What if that person was Jesus?
Jesus told his disciples at he was sending them out into hostile territory. He says that the tasks that is before them is an impossible task should they choose to accept it (cue Mission Impossible music) was NOT going to be easy. In the book "Foxe's Book of Martyrs" by John Foxe illustrates and records that the words Jesus spoke were correct. They were beaten, fed to lions, crucified, and hated. 
Today we do not hear about the same type of persecutions BUT they still happen. You see the world is an enemy of God. If we live like the world, talk like the world, then we will NOT experience the blessings of God and we become an "enemy" of God. However, if we live for God, follow Him, obey Him, we become the enemy of the World. Jesus says that because of Him we will experience persecutions such as the aforementioned. I have heard it said that if you are not being persecuted you are not portraying Christ. Does this mean that you are constantly going to experience trials? NO! Not at all but Jesus did promise that "those that ENDURE to the end will be delivered." I think that Jesus means that we go through persecutions so that we may SEE God's work more clearly. 
Think about this! There was once a man who was so hated that he was constantly on the move for fear of his life. He was "with far more labors,many more imprisonments, far worse beatings, near death many times. Five times I received 39 lashes from Jews. Three times I was beaten with rods by the Romans.Once I was stoned by my enemies. Three times I was shipwrecked I have spent a night and a day in the open sea. On frequent journeys, I faced dangers from rivers, dangers from robbers, dangers from my own people, dangers from the Gentiles,dangers in the city,dangers in the open country,dangers on the sea,and dangers among false  brothers;  labor and hardship,many sleepless nights, hunger and thirst, often without food, cold, and lacking clothing." 1 Corinthians 11:23-27
Yet he still served God and NEVER waivered. How much more should we?
As you go through your day today, think about how many times you "follow" Jesus and how many times you notice that the "world" is against you.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Commissioned by Jesus! Matthew 10:1-15

Today's Reading: Matthew 10:1-15

During World War II General Patton was know to give lengthy but inspiring speeches to the troops. He would be blunt and harsh with his words. However effective as these were he was contributed as to building up soldiers to fight with fervor and honor. He was also known for his berating soldiers who were cowards and gutless.
Jesus in this passage gave a similar speech to his disciples, without the harshness and berating. He commissioned 12 soldiers um... disciples. He told them to go into their own people, the Jews. He gave them power to heal and drive out demons. Some have commented that they were probably reluctant in going out but I beg to differ. Jesus Himself gave the command to go. He told them to their face to go. I believe that they were so anxious to go that they didn't hesitate at all.
Also Jesus told them to not take any money or an extra set of clothes. Why? So that they were COMPLETELY dependant on God. If they had brought items on their trips it could be said that they did these things under their OWN power. Who gets glory in that? Right they do, but the person who should get Glory, Honor and Praise in this God. So it was necessary to bring NOTHING.
As you go about your day today observe things you do under your own power and things you do under Jesus' power. Which is better? What is your motivation for your actions? (This is one that I struggle with ALL the time).
 Here are a few questions that I think will help with your study this morning:

What does this passage say?
What does this passage mean?
What is God telling me?
How am I encouraged and strengthened?
Is there sin in my life for which confession and repentance is needed?
How can I be changed, so I can learn and grow?
What is in the way of these precepts affecting me? What is in the way of my listening to God?
How does this apply to me? What will I do about it?
What can I model and teach?
What does God want me to share with someone?

If you are keeping a journal, write these in there and your answers.

(PS It's good to be back)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Back in Business

Ok, so now we are back in business. With all the internet problems, computer problems, family issues, school both Seminary and work business the upkeep of a blog sometimes has to keep back burner. But tomorrow we will be back on track.

Monday, October 8, 2012

When it Rains it pours.

I never thought that if I were to take some time of that my computer would want to as well. My internet at my house is squirlley. Also paying too much for it. Any suggestions?
Any way soon as I find a connection I'll post the devotional.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Taking a week off

Sorry yall. I'm taking a week off to concentrate on Seminary and family. Please forgive me during this time I will resume Monday next week.