Monday, August 13, 2012

Today is postponed but also a day to Praise Him!

Last night we experienced a storm. This storm moved through our neighborhood while we were on our way home. Randi and I did our usual "What are we doing for dinner?" conversation and we decided on Long John Silver's. We stopped at the one in Lake Worth but noticed the power was out. So we decided to go to the one in Saginaw. We didn't know how bad the storm was but it had knocked out power to them as well.
"Sonic?" my wife exclaims.
"Sure!" my stomach yells.
We ate while the rest of the storm passed on by. The temperature went from 103 to 75 in a matter of 30 minutes. Then the trip home. As we pulled into the outskirts of our neighborhood we started to see trees down everywhere and got a little nervous. Even the old trees at the local elementary school were down. They must have been 100 years old.

We were at first a little upset but then quickly reminded that God had redirected our path to not be in this mess. You know? Sometimes God sends a storm our way just so that we can be a little closer to Him.

Grace to you!

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