Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Bridge builders

Today's Reading Isaiah 58-66

Have you ever built a bridge? (Probably not) Have you ever built a spiritual bridge? (Hopefully so.)
The priest in the Old Testament was instructed to do precisely that: build a bridge between holy God and sinful mankind. He did it through the offering of endless sacrifices, the blood of animals to cover the sins of a nation.
The nation of Israel was selected by God to be a bridge builder to surrounding nations, to show by her lifestyle of faith that God rewards those "that diligently seek him" (Hebrews 11:6).
And the same job description has been passed down to you! As a Christian, you are to be salt in a bland world, light in the midst of darkness, and a priest bringing people back to God (Matthew 5:13-14; 1 Peter 2:9).
Think of today as a unique opportunity to build a bridge between a lost sinner and his loving God. Perhaps you can't build an entire bridge in a single day, but you can begin that all-important process by your speech, conduct, and genuine concern in the life of another. Bridge-building. It's time-consuming, costly - and worth whatever it takes!

Tomorrow we will have a lesson that will bring us back to Vacation Bible School days or for some AWANAs.
We are going to get a lesson in how to memorize verses. I'm thinking of have a memory verse for each week. Don't worry no one is going to quiz you on it BUT it is a good idea to commit some verses to memory. That will be in the lesson.
Also we will be starting another book of the Bible, Romans

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