Thursday, July 26, 2012

Impotent Idols and Omnipotent God

Today's Reading: Isaiah 44-48

Idolatry is such a harsh- sounding word. It's a good thing God's people today don't struggle with idolatry - or do they?

What really is idolatry? One commentator defines it this way:
"Idolatry is anything that comes between you and God."
Using that definition, an uncomfortably long list of things could potentially fall into the category of becoming idols:

Your job
Your car
Your sweetheart
Your spouse
Your child
Your ambition
______ing ( You fill in the blank)

Pick one item from the above list, and ask yourself the question: "Is this thing drawing me toward God or away from Him?" Then do what Isaiah 46:8-9, 12 suggests!

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