Monday, July 30, 2012

Suffering on Behalf of God's People

Today's Reading Isaiah 52-57

The passage you will read for today contains the single most important piece of good news you will ever hear! I can be summarized in just three words: incarnation, redemption, invitation.
INCARNATION: Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came in the flesh (53:2-3), becoming all ofGod in a human body.
REDEMPTION: He came to suffer and to die, to "make his soul an offering for sin" (53:10), to bear "the sin of many" (53:12)
INVITATION: He stands ready to provide mercy and forgiveness for all who will respond. "Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters" (55:1)
What have you done with the invitation of the Suffering Servant? Have you ignored it, rejected it, or accepted it? If you have never done so, take Him at His word today. Say yes to the One who died that you might live eternally.

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