Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Standing Up, Isaiah 36-39

Isaiah 36-39

Everyone who likes to be ridiculed, please stand up.

That is one invitation that you would probably just as soon ignore! After all, no one likes to be mocked or ridiculed for taking a stand. But as Paul warned young Timothy, “All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution” (2 Timothy 3:12). As a Christian called upon to stand for God in a godless world, you may find yourself asked to swallow the bitter pill of ridicule – and swallow it regularly.

Dan Cathy has taken this pill for his stand against gay marriage. This was probably not the first time that he faced ridicule for his beliefs and probably will not be the last. He is not afraid of these people that are calling him a "hater" and "homophobe". He is simply more afraid of God.

It happened to Hezekiah and his countrymen. Taunted at by the Assyrian hordes and belittled for their faith in God, the people of Judah had the last laugh. Through it all they learned that ridicule means little when you know the great God of heaven!

Has the thought of ridicule or verbal abuse stopped you from taking a stand for God? Have you avoided suggesting an office Bible study or evangelistic opportunity because of the fear of what others might say? Take a tip from Hezekiah: You are on the winning team!
Prayer today is for boldness in the face of ridicule. God promises that He will give us words to say when we are to speak out.

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